Thursday, September 30, 2010

~ The ME as in Myself ~

Tired, .. of solitude !! i wan more social networks !!

Exhausted, .. of being myself , i wanna act like someone else

Intimidated, .. by everything ! phobias !!

Ignored, .. by skumbags ! which is a good thing !!

Criticized, .. by my parents, ONLY THEY CAN CRITICIZE ME !!

Teased, .. by my girlfriend lo !! hu else so free?


Monday, September 27, 2010

~ The word call ' FAMILY' ~

Girls being cute make them cuddly, being cuddly make them hug-able, being hug-able means i'm being ambitious, being ambitious makes you being childish, you being childish makes me being protective, me being protective means i'm reliable, being reliable makes me obnoxious, being obnoxious leads yo shelter. That's what it takes to run a family !!

~ An interesting experience !! ~

Laughing out loud .... i had a trip with my University friends to Genting Highlands. I'm blessed; oh, more like a gift of knowledge from my dear friends. Guess what they thought me that night? As i recall its a dark cold night surrounding the entire mountain peak. We were all waiting for the time to come, time to sing midnight karaoke !! We were waiting in the room doing nothing, then a friend of mine took out a stack of cards. YES, precisely !, they thought me how to gamble !! haha3

This is one of my game's hand card with my friends !!

I just love that moment, everyone was having so much fun!! we were all shouting as the cards being stacked and threw to the center pilling it up !! It was one of my happiest time with my friends because were overnighting in the hotel ready for tomorrow's activity ! THEME PARK !!

This are some of the picture we took on the following day !!

I had a lot of fun that day. Well, there is a ' single ' matters that got me wondered, why i'm not getting thrilled by all the attractions. I got on most of the rides and none really satisfies me, compare to what i been through in the past. It's kinda bored.

We had LUNCH !! ... WTF?

Every enjoyable fun experience always have a good ending; for us, we had a great time enjoying our meal in a warm restaurant feeding our stomach with steaming hot and spicy seafoods! We had our time, but isn't enough !! 

The rest of the remaining duration of our vacations it's just a much fun as the 1st night followed by the 2nd day. Too bad that what i wanted to type ends here. Thanks to all my fellow companions who accompany me on this fun trip!, i hope we can do it again in our foresight future.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

~ Updated ! ~

Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler
Movie Link !!

In my movie link now there's a Movie ' Kaiji ' ... its a great movie, enjoy yourself 
The movie is a good start for everyone who felt down on their life

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

~ What's going on ? ~

University close friends ... Happy times ^^

Skool Buds ... where dreams are being made

Campus Dudes ... Fun to a certain point !

Activity gangs ... i mean ANY ACTIVITY !!

AMWAY GANGS !! .. HUGH HUH ? haha3

Mount climbers ... a.k.a. MY LIFE SAVERS !!

Regular hangout friends ( next to me is my dad ) haha3

~ Let's Cosplay ! ~

Everyone do know that Japan is the hideout for the Hottest and the Spiciest girl across the globe right? Wrong, now in Taiwan, there are girls even more beautiful. Hmmm .. or am i the 1 with the different taste? haha3 ...

This here nickname is call KIPI and she's from Taiwan

Cosplaying Black Rock Shooter
Vocaloid of 2009


~ A Happy Wish ~

Once i had this wish, i wish to be the 1st Malaysian citizen to work in a manga company in Japan! I still carrying that wish now deep inside me. I'm not sure of how to accomplish that wish but, i'll try my very best to approach that forever wish. I too hope to meet the special ' someone ' to accompany me towards my dream, the special someone i haven't found yet .... T.T never mind, she will eventually appear someday.

~ 1st Day and 2nd Day of SEM2 ~

1st Day of sem2
Hmm ... what can i say? meet old friends from the previous years, had breakfast 2gether. In the mean time, had a little chat about this and that ... bla bla bla, what did you do during the break. Then its judgment, meet my new lecturers and familiar faces unknown friends in class. Totally boring leh 1st week cause no lecturers actually sat down and start teaching... wasting time !

2nd Day
Repeating what that i did on the 1st day, in addition meet new friends and foes on the way =.= new lecturers and subjects. Nothing much to do, annoying classmates, drew some pictures during class due to boredom~!, want to take a look?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

~ Haiz disappointment on studies le ~

What a shame le, once attracted to anime ~ studies went down, imagine water falling down from a waterfall. Never mind, onces i focus on studies just like how i focus on anime, i bet it will raise up to the skies once more and forever stay up

Friday, September 17, 2010

~ ANIMEx3 and more ANIME !! ~

Just to be straight with my topic ~!!
Have you guys keep catching it up fast enough? haha3 not just anime series but manga too... well, i still starving for more! anime series is still going on with a 'bang' everyday !

Just one of my drawing ... i know i'm still weak but, i'll try my best !

Sora no Otoshimono

haha3 ... just an early notice to all, Sora no Otoshimono series 2 is coming out very soon entitle with the title 'forte' i'm not gonna miss it !

Hmmm... i know that there's a blond angel in the series that's quite catchy ... yes, that's the reason y i like this series!

~ A new hobby & a Brand NEW Beginning ~

Forgot that i have a blog last time that's all related to anime. Alright, now i'm back blogging just for fun ... it looks sweet though but i'm not sure, what do u guys think? haha3....

An extraordinary day ... oops sry, i mean an extraordinary night with just me and my computer with unlimited excess through via internet!! ...

~ Just Back ~ bloggings !! ~

Haiz, nothing to do lately .... went back blogging? its a hobby isn't it? well i don't think it so, what i think is blog is just a site for me and my family, friends are also included, but until a certain limit of course