Tuesday, September 21, 2010

~ 1st Day and 2nd Day of SEM2 ~

1st Day of sem2
Hmm ... what can i say? meet old friends from the previous years, had breakfast 2gether. In the mean time, had a little chat about this and that ... bla bla bla, what did you do during the break. Then its judgment, meet my new lecturers and familiar faces unknown friends in class. Totally boring leh 1st week cause no lecturers actually sat down and start teaching... wasting time !

2nd Day
Repeating what that i did on the 1st day, in addition meet new friends and foes on the way =.= new lecturers and subjects. Nothing much to do, annoying classmates, drew some pictures during class due to boredom~!, want to take a look?

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