Friday, January 28, 2011

~ HATERS !! ~

I felt sick !! ~ T.T yeap ... it's pretty sad !
Once stop writing ... No post viewers and a lot comments
Fine , once start writing ... i get head shot by dumplings =.=
As one said , when you have something in mind willing to share,
You will meet lovers and haters along the way ..

So , lovers .. of course its a no '' biggy '' , coz they motivates you !
But haters on the other hand .. they simply hate you

No no they're not angry of you
It's just cries of jealousy ... they are happy for you ...
Since we're doing our part '' comments will start flying ''
Especially negative ones .. So i classified H.A.T.E.R.S. as ..

H. Having
A. Anger
T. Towards
E. Everyone
R. Reaching
S. Success

Bear that in mind ...
haters are just miggets with a '' jealous '' pinecone hat
If you are a hater .. i look down on you ~.~

'' Sam Signing Out Bitches !! ''

Thursday, January 20, 2011

~ This is it , the apocalypse ! ~ CNY !

After all i have been through ! it's finally here ~ fireworks*
Nah .. it wasn't that great ~ great metaphor huh ? !
Chinese is going to celebrate chinese new year ..
You know what that means ? ..  Something red !
we gonna get alot of ..... ?!!
to spend on what ever f*ck we want ! ... !
'' i think i gonna buy a dildo for my girlfriend '' ... syke !
Nah ~ she got her own money ! i'm gonna spend mine on ~
Investment * yea ! what a man gonna do is what a man gonna do !
Earn for a living ... a better future for my son ~

Wait a minute ~ i don't have a son .. so i go adopt one !
I love children like how i love my pets ~
a total of 20+ hamsters , now left 5 .. c how much i luv them ?
I feed them with everything they like ~ what national geography told me ~
'' Hamster loves chillies !! '' 

I think i shall spend my $$$ on hookers bah ~ .. nah maybe not !
Waste only ... i too young for that ~.~ [ i'm obviously lying ! ]
So what to spend ? .. i cant make up my mind !
Do you know what to spend it on ? .. That's good !
As for those not chinese .. screw yourself ! ~ haha3
As for those half chinese .. get a chinese laid , and be a full !


Monday, January 17, 2011

~ i'm back ~

Sup guys !! i'm back~  blogging ! ~ Thanks for those who read my page,
and those who ignore it , ur missing out the fun ! ...
What the heck [ face palm ] ...

Since's its a brand new start, mind as well have a brand new topic ...
Yes, i got this ... it's coming , it's coming ~ it came !!
The way to talk ! ~ discriminate, with a ticket out free !
* If he's furious , don't try this ~

FREN'' did you fart ? ... silent* ''
YOU  '' yea i did, it's part of life like excretion ,it's ok to fart ''
FREN'' that's gross man .. that stinks ''
'YOU '' oh really ?, your breath sticks .. can you stop breathing ? ''
[ now you made your opponent , a dimwit ! ]

See, you got away with that case ...
with a proper statement that's have nothing to do about it ...
Choose a statement out of the blue and enjoy the ride ...
Works for me every time during an awkward situation !!

Dun give a damm on what they think about you ..
** make sure you're the happy one !