Saturday, December 18, 2010

~ Exam is coming ~

 This is kind of serious ! ~
As 1 of the retarded china man in skool,
I don't know when is my exam ! ~ screwed =.=
Still ... my results ain't half bad .. its beyond worst !
'' sigh ... '' a sign of giving up ! 
What a good start ... =.= lmao ! '' what a loser ''

What can i do ? study real hard ? ...
i don't have the brain in education !
then most of you will ask the same f*cking question
'' what are you good at ? ''
What i'm good at ? .. is loitering a good example ?
'' Hell ya ... for me !! ''

Seriously , i'm gonna have my examination soon ...
Unprepared ! .. '' go prepare now b*tch '' ...
i know la ! ~ what to prepare for ? ... 
i got my stationary .. what else should i need ? !!
'' now you guys will give up on me '' ... holy lu ya !

Sam signing out bitches !!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~ University s2pid service ~

My crazy post of them all !! ..
Sem registration in Universities ...
People always complaint over this matter .. why ?
Coz we love it ! ... NOT !,
This is one of the '' kanasai '' problem !!
it's an event to show how capable is your computer !

Tonight ... at 9 SHARP !
No one in my skool ... will play any games or pps ...
Even if you pay them to do it ...
All UTAR-ians had a PVP [ player vs player ] tonight ...
as for me ? ... i PK- ed ! [ player kill ] !!
Is the fight of the fittest ! ... survival match of the semester !
'' Subject Registration .. + timetable settings ... '' ROFL !

WTF .. is there such a bad edu system in Universities ?
They like to say this phrase ...
'' we let you arrange ur timetable , so you wont skip classes ''
How the f*ck ... are we gonna register limited unit of classes ! ..
'' Use your brains la !! '' .. log in early lo chinese boy
=.= ... you think those other student are clowns ?
never thought of that ? ... it's common sense la !! oi ! wake up please !!
We have to pick those available lauzy timing coz all are already taken !
'' that's your problem '' .... they said ! What the F*ck !
u wanna eat my fist ? ... or taste some '' popcorn ? ''

We went in their website [ my roomate and i ] ...
before doing anything !! ... we saw this garbage ! ...
'' sorry, there are too many demands at the period, please log in later ''
WTF was that ? !! ~ refresh ... get the same thing again !
Stay calm ... god bless you !!

finally got visual on the page ~ log in ... lag , then dc !
=.= '' lei lo mo ar '' [ your motha xxx ] ... f*ck la !! OIII !!
keep doin the same thing ... as last get to log in !! ~ wohoo !!
as happy as finishes downloading a porn movie !! ~ YES !!
Type in the unit subject and saw something horrible ...
more horrible than watching hugging '' gay ''
'' bullsh*t '' available time slot .. all good ones are taken ! WTF la !
'' Kanasai '' ... start cursing ! .. 

the worst part was ... a pop up
'' Sorry, u have clash with ur other time slot '' ... F*ck you !
How the f*ck can i pick another time slot if other are already taken !! ...
Change the time slot that i have picked lo ...
then that changed subject clash with my other subject !! ... =.= !!!

'' lei ko sei po kai ar '' ...
u wan me to clear all my time slot isit ? just to take 1 available time slot ?
omg omg omg !! redo the whole thing again !!

Good game sem3 ....

By the way .. i got my timetable ^^ ... it was incredible ! ..
just have to do a little trick up my sleeve and you got it !
more computer log in under my name = 100% get to register !

So .. Sam Signing out bull-motha sh*t bitches !!

Friday, December 10, 2010

~ You think i'm racist ?? ~

Again .. i have to mention this !
I'm '' not racist !! ''
I love all the race in the world ! .. in a return
I hate all of them equally !
It's not like i'm the only 1 idiot in the world who hate some race ...
Everyone does ! ..

Alright !Time to get serious ! serious ! ... 
When me and my friend drove to KL 2day ...
We encounter wit a matter during '' 1pm to 2pm '' on the way to FUN**
Guess what ? i think most of you guys know what time is it !
Yes ... it's what we call the '' praying time for the brown ''
As all of you know ... praying to good, and a normal thing to do !
But most of the ...
'' brown people '' love to do things in their own da*m way !

When their '' head '' got into the mosque, 
guess where they leave their '' butt '' ?
by the way ... '' butt '' as in their da*m vehicle !
I give you a clue ... it's a travel paths for cars !
On the da*m road !, THATS WHAT !! .. it's causing traffic jam man !!
You think ur time is precious ? My time is precious too !
I miss my da*m movie ! ... [ with a girl !! ]
'' But ... it doesn't really matter anyway, coz i know movie sux anyway ^^ ''
It's ok to park anywhere .. just don't park at my f*cking area !

I actually look at them as i pass by the road ... like a total mumbling sicko
'' Oi, bapa lu punye jalan ka ? '' ... and guess what ?
people just look at me, as in i'm crazy ! ...
and my chick asked .. '' dude, u racist ? ''
I'm not f*cking racist ok ! ... 
I'm just f*cking pissed off ! ... i don't hate the race !

I love the brown people ..
so as the other colors out there ! 

But seriously ! change your personality !! ...
and most of you guys will say ... '' dude, change your personality 1st !! ''
I don't mind to change mine ... but make sure they change theirs !

Sam signing out BITCHES !!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~ Parents LOVE to lie on December ~

What is coming ?
That's right Christmas ...
Little kids now is going to buy chipsmore and HL milk
for the purpose ...
'' Santa Claus is coming to town ! ''

If ur old enough and pass puberty ,
You know that ' he ' is not real !
For those little kids ...
I'm going to ruined that NOW ..
 for the sake of the the entire world !

Santa is not real !
[ the future is in danger, if the generation now thinks santa is real ! ]

Those who leave out present for you on Christmas ..
Is not Santa ... Its your lying parents !
It's even a lie if your parents said that ..
'' It's true , santa leave those gifts ''
They lie to their kids ... !!
Even '' i '' lie to the 3 year olds that i'm santa
They so .. innocent , have some sympathy !

Well, parents only lie to you on Christmas !

So, as the old person said
'' Learn from the adults ''
Therefore, its ok to lie ! ..
But, only on Christmas of course !

Some parents just lie to you on xmas ..
Just for the sake because is Xmas
For no f*cking reason ! they just lie to you !

'' hey son , its xmas , tell me what you want ''
'' Daddy daddy !! i want a girlfriend !!  ''
'' go to your room right now !! u dirty mothaf*cka '' ...

See what i mean ? ... they like to lie !
they asked u what you wanted for Xmas and
BAMM ... u got a ruined Xmas ! before 25th Dec .. =.=

Merry Xmas ... in xactly 16 days !

So, Sam signing out bitches !

~ Multi culture society ~

Don't you dare say that out loud ...
Fine ... i won't say it !
You guys know what i'm saying ?
[ Malaysia is a a mixture of ... ]
Oreo .. 

'' Black biscuit + brown choco cream + white milk ! ''
1 Malaysia ?
Ok ~ i'm gonna get hit right now !
Seriously,  ISA in at my doorstep !

 Relate to the topic,
We live in a multi culture society
As 1 of the dimwit Chinese who ever lived 
I don't even understand 1 Chinese Vocab
Why ?  it's not because i'm dumb ...
It's coz i respect the black and the white ONLY
Ok , the following sentence will get me punched directly!
'' I hate Chinese , LOL xD ''

For 1 reason and 1 reason ONLY ! 
Which is Language !
As a Chinese myself, i have to deal with 2 type of language
Cantonese and Mandarin ....
What .. only 2 you ask ? Dude 2 language exceeded for 1 race !
Why don't the black speak Mandarin then ? 
Why only English ? =.=
The answer is easy ... Coz their smart ! 
Then how bout the Chinese ? ... huh ?
Coz we are xxxx ... [ i didn't say it >.< ]

I thought modern tech can help me in this matter ...

i had high hopes for google translate ... guess what i got ?
F*cked up translation ! that's what !

[ 猪会上树了] pig gas at the tree ? ... WTF ?? !
I don't make any sense at all ! ..
Pig gas ... at the tree ? ... F*ck you ! ... 
A f*cking pinata ?

My fart is your perfume ... u d*mm translator !
Heck no ! ... should i read it in Chinese to make sense ?
That's the f*cking problem ~ i don't know Chinese !
You make me repeat my sentence again ~
Do you understand english huh ? =.=

Directly point on what i should say ...
'' I'm not F*cking racist ! ''
So those who think i am .. snap it off !
You think i'm racist ?
then your racist !
I luv all races equally , and i hate them equally [ just to be fair ]
Be4 i sign out bitches .. i have 1 more thing to say ..

Do give me a smile or a hi5 when you meet me ..
Don't just stare at me and say '' hi ''
I'm a kind person ! i won't talk about races in front of you
coz it's awkward !
Sam Signing out Bitches !

Monday, December 6, 2010

~ Why spend time on Facebook ? ~

I kept questioning myself,
Why i kept spending time on facebook ...
most '' MOST '' chinese nowadays dun use facebook
to chat anymore
What they use for ?
Meeting friends ?
Heck no ... why do i say so ?
Coz most commonly they'll be friends 1st in real life be4 saying,
'' Add me in facebook '' ...

Ok ... get to your point !
'' what do i mean ? ''
What i meant was that we use facebook for ...
Online gaming !
that's right !
'' oh no .. i'm gonna feed my cow @.@ '' wtf ?
'' the crops gonna die ! must harvest 2day , exp la ! '' @@ ... lolx
= 3= ... speechless !! ...
fine ! harvest all you like !

Why do you guys spend time on such a needless game?
Do you earn for playing game like those ? NONE
Please guys ! u wanna earn ?
play smth like TERA Online !

You can even earn $$$$ in real life ...
I'm your greatest example ... >.< Slap
I deserve that =.= ... anyway !

As for girls ... dont u have time for makeup ?
Isn't cosmetic is ur life ?
y gaming ...
Is not that i say gaming is only for guys BUT,
Since girls are wasting so much time on beauty ...
now u have to waste time on gaming too ?
U wan all of ur ' bf ' out there waiting for u until ..
U finished feedin ur cow be4 a date ? ..

'' i'm ur greatest example, i waited ''
BUT that's not my point !

Unless ur fat and ugly,
because when ur fat and ugly ...
no body's gonna like u anyway !!
stay at home ...
haha3 ... '' not funny =.= ''
unless ur a fren of mine .. that i won't mind !

What's my point of view ?
facebook gaming is a waste of time ...
Unless your white or black ...
F*ck .. I'm not helping you ... ur white !
and for the black, '' speechless ''.. that's pretty raciest '' i'm sry ''
So, for all you people out there !
stop gaming ! spend more time on ..
Something else ~ i don't know zZ =.=

Twitter ? [ s2pid answer ]
... Anything besides facebook games !
'' Restaurant city is exceptional xP ''
coz u just click and exit .. no time wasted !

... or get urself a hobby !!
'' teasing a friend in facebook '' is not a hobby !!
'' Chatting in facebook '' is not a hobby either
nor, ''wasting time in facebook '' =.= LOL !!

Bye Bye,
Sam Signing out Bitches

Friday, December 3, 2010

~ Fishing trip with my family !! ~

Gonna go fishing , gonna go fishing !!..
gonna go ...
I dun wanna repeat myself,
But, ..
With my family !!
yea .. yea !
daddy have time 2 spend wit us ! ...
yea .. yea !
Beside's gaming ...
oh no !! ..
haha3 !!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

~ Is it wrong to do all the work ? ~

Ok ..
i dunno how 2 put this but,
When we are assign to do a work,
especially in a group
I got this kind of ignorant and sarcastic people around me...
Saying tons of crap ... 
how do i classified them .. err
Annoying people !
that's right ! ...
See here's the thing , in group work 
They love to do most of their work in their own way ..
if no one is doing the work , 
Who will be working for the team ? .. 
A heart risked terrorist like myself ..

and guess what ?
When i work on hard , i got comments ...
Saying bout what ?
bullshyt comments ! 
What the f*ck was that ... huh ?

My team was stalling the time, no ideas generated !
So what to do ?
i do it individually lo !
Ok .. but what about them ?
i'm not cold blooded, so ...
i include them in too !

Editing, i did all
subtitle, i did all myself,
ideas generated myself .. what they help me ?
short video clips ! total not above 3 mins !
ok stress ! what to do ?
talk about it !
15 mins ! .. GG,
but i still did it ..

Is not like i didn't warn them ..
In the matter of fact , i did !!
To make it more interesting
i'm not even the leader ...
so ... Who is the leader ?
A person saying
'' i'm busy with my work ''
'' dun stress, i have 5 subjects and you have 4 ''
i really wanna show him a ..
Thumbs up ! ...

As we hand in the assignment,
my team mate start to complain ..
i did what they ask and still i got criticized
why ? coz this is not what they hope for
... Do you think i have the time to think like you guys ? ...
You so smart ... do yourself at the 1st place !

Now ...
This is the funny part ! .. 
When their friend or someone i don't care about
saw the result ..
A lot of bullshyt comments is given ...
saying what ?
bad things about me !
isn't it obvious ?

Why is that so ?
Coz i'm the only one doing all the work
suan ... i'm fine with that, THEN WHAT ?
They start to gossip behind my back !
Guys being b*tches ..
and girls ... er, some are bitches !

Fine ... 
i can deal with it ..
coz most of them i don't really care about ..
Why should i waste all my time explaining to them ?
They're not gonna help me anyway ... so ?
Say what huh .. ignore lo!
they just like to say things out loud ..
Like totally ... f*ck , that's what !
I'm being selfish ?
Call them to redo the assignment lo,
As for the complete assignment,
Credit it with MY NAME !


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

~ Computer Assignment ? ~

If you guys are in the same University with me, 
You know what am i talking about ...
It's f*cking funny ... we got an assignment 
Not in Writing form but in a video form ...
I was spazzing out the 1st time ..

Then the topic given was 
' life without technology ' ... what the f*ck was that ?
End of the world 2 ?
I don't even think that ' THAT ' is a topic ...
It's such a f*cking @ss topic !
Guess what ? i ends up doing it ... 
of course the result was =.=

During the assignment, ideas kept flying out of my head ...
BUT none of them are in the video ... 
so i'm gonna say it out here instead ?
You wanna know what i did ? 
You think u have a mountain size chest,
u can get a my idea scott free ? 
fat f*cking chance !! ... 

but i'm gonna tell you guys 1 idea that's not in the vid

Without Tech .. 
how the f*ck security detect explosives ?
how the heck ...

Guys ... dude , its pretty gay for the TSA agents =.=

they gonna touch u like there's no 2molo !
they are going to touch ur sausage,
like they're preparing for breakfast !!

 What happen if woman ?

WHERE THE woman gonna hide explosive ?
at the bun buN ??
how the f*ck is a woman gonna have explosive at the bun bun ?
Ask them ... dun ask me ! ... f*ck

I dun think for you , ur chinese .. 
If your not ... shut up and read !!

 OK fine .. no tech .. physical check ! 
show me the damm room where i get my body checked ...
for explosive =.=  rofl !

No worry if ur black people,
u gonna walk straight in that room ...
with a 9 inch ding dong !
wow, shyt dun mess with that guy ..
You wanna humiliate all the china man out there huh ?
they gonna walk in there with a 2 inch mini meat d*ck ...
haha3 .. look at the size of that !!
 ... haha3  ' that's not funny ' =.=

F*ck ... im not chinese ! i'm asian !
mine is as long as A-Z at the keyboard ..
=.= ... nevermind !

Fine ! happy for tech ? 
U do know 1 day there are alot people got their balls fried ...
Why ? 
they get electrocuted when making mash potato ! 
 stupid losers !

Then whay happen to he old people then huh ?
They got stroke while watching Twilight eclipse !! .. f*ck !
Coz the movie is too horrible !! ...
if there's no tech ,
Old people have longer life spans ...
coz there will be no horrible movies on theater !

Twilight eclipse .. =.= f*ck
The strongest vampire is a migget !! ...
She's so small, even my dog can crush her !
old people laugh to death

have some sympathy !!
Those twilight fans ... f*ck off !! ..

Sam signing out BITCHES !!