Wednesday, December 1, 2010

~ Computer Assignment ? ~

If you guys are in the same University with me, 
You know what am i talking about ...
It's f*cking funny ... we got an assignment 
Not in Writing form but in a video form ...
I was spazzing out the 1st time ..

Then the topic given was 
' life without technology ' ... what the f*ck was that ?
End of the world 2 ?
I don't even think that ' THAT ' is a topic ...
It's such a f*cking @ss topic !
Guess what ? i ends up doing it ... 
of course the result was =.=

During the assignment, ideas kept flying out of my head ...
BUT none of them are in the video ... 
so i'm gonna say it out here instead ?
You wanna know what i did ? 
You think u have a mountain size chest,
u can get a my idea scott free ? 
fat f*cking chance !! ... 

but i'm gonna tell you guys 1 idea that's not in the vid

Without Tech .. 
how the f*ck security detect explosives ?
how the heck ...

Guys ... dude , its pretty gay for the TSA agents =.=

they gonna touch u like there's no 2molo !
they are going to touch ur sausage,
like they're preparing for breakfast !!

 What happen if woman ?

WHERE THE woman gonna hide explosive ?
at the bun buN ??
how the f*ck is a woman gonna have explosive at the bun bun ?
Ask them ... dun ask me ! ... f*ck

I dun think for you , ur chinese .. 
If your not ... shut up and read !!

 OK fine .. no tech .. physical check ! 
show me the damm room where i get my body checked ...
for explosive =.=  rofl !

No worry if ur black people,
u gonna walk straight in that room ...
with a 9 inch ding dong !
wow, shyt dun mess with that guy ..
You wanna humiliate all the china man out there huh ?
they gonna walk in there with a 2 inch mini meat d*ck ...
haha3 .. look at the size of that !!
 ... haha3  ' that's not funny ' =.=

F*ck ... im not chinese ! i'm asian !
mine is as long as A-Z at the keyboard ..
=.= ... nevermind !

Fine ! happy for tech ? 
U do know 1 day there are alot people got their balls fried ...
Why ? 
they get electrocuted when making mash potato ! 
 stupid losers !

Then whay happen to he old people then huh ?
They got stroke while watching Twilight eclipse !! .. f*ck !
Coz the movie is too horrible !! ...
if there's no tech ,
Old people have longer life spans ...
coz there will be no horrible movies on theater !

Twilight eclipse .. =.= f*ck
The strongest vampire is a migget !! ...
She's so small, even my dog can crush her !
old people laugh to death

have some sympathy !!
Those twilight fans ... f*ck off !! ..

Sam signing out BITCHES !!

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