Thursday, December 2, 2010

~ Is it wrong to do all the work ? ~

Ok ..
i dunno how 2 put this but,
When we are assign to do a work,
especially in a group
I got this kind of ignorant and sarcastic people around me...
Saying tons of crap ... 
how do i classified them .. err
Annoying people !
that's right ! ...
See here's the thing , in group work 
They love to do most of their work in their own way ..
if no one is doing the work , 
Who will be working for the team ? .. 
A heart risked terrorist like myself ..

and guess what ?
When i work on hard , i got comments ...
Saying bout what ?
bullshyt comments ! 
What the f*ck was that ... huh ?

My team was stalling the time, no ideas generated !
So what to do ?
i do it individually lo !
Ok .. but what about them ?
i'm not cold blooded, so ...
i include them in too !

Editing, i did all
subtitle, i did all myself,
ideas generated myself .. what they help me ?
short video clips ! total not above 3 mins !
ok stress ! what to do ?
talk about it !
15 mins ! .. GG,
but i still did it ..

Is not like i didn't warn them ..
In the matter of fact , i did !!
To make it more interesting
i'm not even the leader ...
so ... Who is the leader ?
A person saying
'' i'm busy with my work ''
'' dun stress, i have 5 subjects and you have 4 ''
i really wanna show him a ..
Thumbs up ! ...

As we hand in the assignment,
my team mate start to complain ..
i did what they ask and still i got criticized
why ? coz this is not what they hope for
... Do you think i have the time to think like you guys ? ...
You so smart ... do yourself at the 1st place !

Now ...
This is the funny part ! .. 
When their friend or someone i don't care about
saw the result ..
A lot of bullshyt comments is given ...
saying what ?
bad things about me !
isn't it obvious ?

Why is that so ?
Coz i'm the only one doing all the work
suan ... i'm fine with that, THEN WHAT ?
They start to gossip behind my back !
Guys being b*tches ..
and girls ... er, some are bitches !

Fine ... 
i can deal with it ..
coz most of them i don't really care about ..
Why should i waste all my time explaining to them ?
They're not gonna help me anyway ... so ?
Say what huh .. ignore lo!
they just like to say things out loud ..
Like totally ... f*ck , that's what !
I'm being selfish ?
Call them to redo the assignment lo,
As for the complete assignment,
Credit it with MY NAME !


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