Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~ Multi culture society ~

Don't you dare say that out loud ...
Fine ... i won't say it !
You guys know what i'm saying ?
[ Malaysia is a a mixture of ... ]
Oreo .. 

'' Black biscuit + brown choco cream + white milk ! ''
1 Malaysia ?
Ok ~ i'm gonna get hit right now !
Seriously,  ISA in at my doorstep !

 Relate to the topic,
We live in a multi culture society
As 1 of the dimwit Chinese who ever lived 
I don't even understand 1 Chinese Vocab
Why ?  it's not because i'm dumb ...
It's coz i respect the black and the white ONLY
Ok , the following sentence will get me punched directly!
'' I hate Chinese , LOL xD ''

For 1 reason and 1 reason ONLY ! 
Which is Language !
As a Chinese myself, i have to deal with 2 type of language
Cantonese and Mandarin ....
What .. only 2 you ask ? Dude 2 language exceeded for 1 race !
Why don't the black speak Mandarin then ? 
Why only English ? =.=
The answer is easy ... Coz their smart ! 
Then how bout the Chinese ? ... huh ?
Coz we are xxxx ... [ i didn't say it >.< ]

I thought modern tech can help me in this matter ...

i had high hopes for google translate ... guess what i got ?
F*cked up translation ! that's what !

[ 猪会上树了] pig gas at the tree ? ... WTF ?? !
I don't make any sense at all ! ..
Pig gas ... at the tree ? ... F*ck you ! ... 
A f*cking pinata ?

My fart is your perfume ... u d*mm translator !
Heck no ! ... should i read it in Chinese to make sense ?
That's the f*cking problem ~ i don't know Chinese !
You make me repeat my sentence again ~
Do you understand english huh ? =.=

Directly point on what i should say ...
'' I'm not F*cking racist ! ''
So those who think i am .. snap it off !
You think i'm racist ?
then your racist !
I luv all races equally , and i hate them equally [ just to be fair ]
Be4 i sign out bitches .. i have 1 more thing to say ..

Do give me a smile or a hi5 when you meet me ..
Don't just stare at me and say '' hi ''
I'm a kind person ! i won't talk about races in front of you
coz it's awkward !
Sam Signing out Bitches !

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