Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~ University s2pid service ~

My crazy post of them all !! ..
Sem registration in Universities ...
People always complaint over this matter .. why ?
Coz we love it ! ... NOT !,
This is one of the '' kanasai '' problem !!
it's an event to show how capable is your computer !

Tonight ... at 9 SHARP !
No one in my skool ... will play any games or pps ...
Even if you pay them to do it ...
All UTAR-ians had a PVP [ player vs player ] tonight ...
as for me ? ... i PK- ed ! [ player kill ] !!
Is the fight of the fittest ! ... survival match of the semester !
'' Subject Registration .. + timetable settings ... '' ROFL !

WTF .. is there such a bad edu system in Universities ?
They like to say this phrase ...
'' we let you arrange ur timetable , so you wont skip classes ''
How the f*ck ... are we gonna register limited unit of classes ! ..
'' Use your brains la !! '' .. log in early lo chinese boy
=.= ... you think those other student are clowns ?
never thought of that ? ... it's common sense la !! oi ! wake up please !!
We have to pick those available lauzy timing coz all are already taken !
'' that's your problem '' .... they said ! What the F*ck !
u wanna eat my fist ? ... or taste some '' popcorn ? ''

We went in their website [ my roomate and i ] ...
before doing anything !! ... we saw this garbage ! ...
'' sorry, there are too many demands at the period, please log in later ''
WTF was that ? !! ~ refresh ... get the same thing again !
Stay calm ... god bless you !!

finally got visual on the page ~ log in ... lag , then dc !
=.= '' lei lo mo ar '' [ your motha xxx ] ... f*ck la !! OIII !!
keep doin the same thing ... as last get to log in !! ~ wohoo !!
as happy as finishes downloading a porn movie !! ~ YES !!
Type in the unit subject and saw something horrible ...
more horrible than watching hugging '' gay ''
'' bullsh*t '' available time slot .. all good ones are taken ! WTF la !
'' Kanasai '' ... start cursing ! .. 

the worst part was ... a pop up
'' Sorry, u have clash with ur other time slot '' ... F*ck you !
How the f*ck can i pick another time slot if other are already taken !! ...
Change the time slot that i have picked lo ...
then that changed subject clash with my other subject !! ... =.= !!!

'' lei ko sei po kai ar '' ...
u wan me to clear all my time slot isit ? just to take 1 available time slot ?
omg omg omg !! redo the whole thing again !!

Good game sem3 ....

By the way .. i got my timetable ^^ ... it was incredible ! ..
just have to do a little trick up my sleeve and you got it !
more computer log in under my name = 100% get to register !

So .. Sam Signing out bull-motha sh*t bitches !!

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