Friday, December 10, 2010

~ You think i'm racist ?? ~

Again .. i have to mention this !
I'm '' not racist !! ''
I love all the race in the world ! .. in a return
I hate all of them equally !
It's not like i'm the only 1 idiot in the world who hate some race ...
Everyone does ! ..

Alright !Time to get serious ! serious ! ... 
When me and my friend drove to KL 2day ...
We encounter wit a matter during '' 1pm to 2pm '' on the way to FUN**
Guess what ? i think most of you guys know what time is it !
Yes ... it's what we call the '' praying time for the brown ''
As all of you know ... praying to good, and a normal thing to do !
But most of the ...
'' brown people '' love to do things in their own da*m way !

When their '' head '' got into the mosque, 
guess where they leave their '' butt '' ?
by the way ... '' butt '' as in their da*m vehicle !
I give you a clue ... it's a travel paths for cars !
On the da*m road !, THATS WHAT !! .. it's causing traffic jam man !!
You think ur time is precious ? My time is precious too !
I miss my da*m movie ! ... [ with a girl !! ]
'' But ... it doesn't really matter anyway, coz i know movie sux anyway ^^ ''
It's ok to park anywhere .. just don't park at my f*cking area !

I actually look at them as i pass by the road ... like a total mumbling sicko
'' Oi, bapa lu punye jalan ka ? '' ... and guess what ?
people just look at me, as in i'm crazy ! ...
and my chick asked .. '' dude, u racist ? ''
I'm not f*cking racist ok ! ... 
I'm just f*cking pissed off ! ... i don't hate the race !

I love the brown people ..
so as the other colors out there ! 

But seriously ! change your personality !! ...
and most of you guys will say ... '' dude, change your personality 1st !! ''
I don't mind to change mine ... but make sure they change theirs !

Sam signing out BITCHES !!

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