Tuesday, November 23, 2010

~ New updates on ANIME ~

i don't simply recommend people to watch anime
that ain't interesting BUT,
This is a must watch ! and it's really good !

Air gear season 2 started with OVA just came out today ! 
As the 1st person in Msia to watch it, 
i wan you guys to watch it as well
Its freaking awesome ! the stunts are unbelievable !
You can even see tricks that ain't shown in season 1 but in manga !
Im deadly serious that, 
watching and reading have 2 entire whole new experience !!

Watching is gives you the ' boomin ' feel ya know !
As a roller blader as myself, 
this anime is certainty on my list !

[ I'm siding with genesis !!, sleeping forest is going down !! ]

Sam signing of bitches !!

Monday, November 22, 2010

~ Point of View ~

[ Sarcastic ]

I'm focusing on this issue today ..
Its a topic of great importance ...

If you understand this then, your live will not be filled with 
sarcastism and discriminations ..
How can it be done you ask ? .. it's quite simple

You see this,
people usually talks about how great they understand related to that topic
BUT, for a person like yourself,
understand it in your own specific way is different ...
[ That's what make us special ]

So, why do you bother to explain to ' that ' person on how you think ?
Since he have his own way of understanding it ...

[ Sarcasm as a gift ]

It's so true, being someone with different thought means,
 you have a different characteristic
Therefore, its just natural that you think this way
Is a gift from our creator !

If you do continue with the argument ...
There are no benefits gain for the both of you,
You will too look like an idiot
 to the other people who is listen to your argument
So, you think is good to argue ? I don't think so ...

Most of the people out there, win is everything ...
what we think of it is that those person are proud of themselves ...
[ for me, they are just bunch of ignorant childish brats ]
See, my own personal point of view ... what do you think bout me ?

Don't answer that question '' its a Rhetorical question !! ''

The main thing i wanna say is '' Trust and have faith on yourself ''
That's what made us human different !!

[ Is just tha matter of fact on how you think ]
Opportunity comes in every corner

If there's an opposite gender thinking same as you .. ' that ' person is certainly ...
Love is a special thing !!

Sam signing out bitches !!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

~ Facebook games ~

[ Facebook Trademark logo ]

Seriously, people nowadays edited to facebook gaming ..
Everyday .. where ever i go, i see adult, teens, and small kids
Rushing to get those bonus inside the game ...

Who am i to talk if i don't experience the game myself ...
I confess i'm one of those teens too =.=
But, i know my limits, not like those people ...
What's so good about those games anyway?

[ Country Story ]

I go shoppin with my friend the other day,
During that shoppin happy period, he ask me for my laptop ...
Guess what he do with it? not msn chat, not bloggin ...
Not even for Call of Duty Black Ops !!!! OMG OMG !!

For facebook mini- gaming ' country story '
Feeding cow .. wtf ?

[ The game came out 2 week ago .. do try it out ]

There's even student in college, during lecture
Log in facebook ... feed chicken =.= ...
Everyone got game edited ...
Why not socially edited like me ?? =.= ...
[ You guys might be thinkin, why you compare other ? ]
What you thinkin now, is wrong ... i am a human just like you
You think that way means you are judging yourself instead of me ...

Well, gaming is good BUT not all the time ...
For those poker fans, add me ... ^^
Most of the gaming time you spend during lecture, annoys people ...
and really hoping that you would lose =.= ... coz we're not the one playing zz
Don't dare to try it with me zzz


If your good looking thats fine ..
If your not ... you will seriously be like him !

My final words are ... try not to get so obsessed with those games ...
1 day without feedin the damn cow .. it won't die
But, 1 day you never feed yourself ... you WILL DIE !!
So, peace off !!

Signing out by Sam to BITCHES !!
[ With credit help from facebook ^^ ]

Saturday, November 20, 2010

~ Cantonese is a STRONG language ~

Do you know that cantonese is such a strong language?
Im here hereby declare that it is !
When Sam say it, its official !!

Alright , back to business ...
Learning cantonese is an easy task to do ...
But applying it, its challenging ...
Living as a chinese with asian blood runnin in my vein is not easy!
Likewise chatting in cantonese and mandrin ? its hard !

See, when you chat cantonese in skool, its not wrong ...
But in front of a lecturer .. its wrong [ What tha F*ck ]
Especially those strict ones ...
Those 'predators' use their glare at you,
its so scary that you might piss in your pants
what can you do?

learn from me ... say something like

[ '' Lei - ko - sei - po - kai , mong - mat - chat'' ] ..
there you go .... nailed it !~
The proper translation will be
'' you blady bastard , what you looking at ''
Be sure to say it in an angry tone
and point at them with your finger
'' you can show the [f*ck] sign, i dun mind !!
[ or this will not work ] .... =P

Next is the phrase
[ '' Deng - lei - ko - fai ''] ..
This i really recommend you to use it because ...
it works on EVERYTHING!!
When u are pissed, when u cant answer ur exam question, or anything !
I dun think you need the translation for this ...
do try it with a chinese friend
You will know what the phrase mean ^^ ..
and agree that ' its very very useful '

~ Awkward Situation~

Well, you can obviously see what i wrote in the main topic ..
It got me thinking ya know, being awkward is just ....
how does it feel?

I'm shopping the other day and this 'thing' happen ...
We were havin a nice conversation until an unknown person sat next to us
He did not say anything, just sat there with a burger in his hand
We continue to chat until ....
That blady guy fart out loud ... awkward
We went completely silent, and started to stare at him
He completely ignore us ...
Then my friend stood up, stand beside him and said
' Do you have any manners? '
I was shock at the beginning,
Totally never expected to see that comming
That guy complete , i mean completely ignore my friend
Then, i stood up and call her back ..

My friend just look at him, 
That poor guy, he didn't know what's hitting him
Then, that guy stood up and gave my friend a smile ... awkward
We just stare at that guy ..
When he turn his back on us, my friend got angry
' She said something that shouldn't be said '
Still nothing happen ...awkward
Everyone just look at her, she was really angry ... i sense her rage

Then, that guy leave without paying,
the alarm set off
The employees working there chase after him
He totally ignore that chaos situation .. we thought he was OKU
Guess what? at the very last moment we notice that

Monday, November 15, 2010

~ Chinese guys are hot tempered ! ~

i onces ask myself about this question and i confirm it to be true today !!
Boy really hates annoying bitches !!...
Now i question myself on this '' why do bitches always have to be bitches? ''
Its so freaking annoying you know .. everywhere i go, or what i do... SHE'S THERE !!
The worst part is when she's being a bitch !! .. guys can never win an argument
Its so freaking annoying !!
When a bitch being a bitch ... there's no way to win
She will always be right ... 
Guys, better run away bah .. escape ! let them self destruct

Suan ... i know myself better than anyone else .. 
I'm good in provoking and charming
Its just obvious once a person hears me out .. they like it just to be
They just got high hopes for me ... WTF ? i dun wan to be that something, i wan to be a nothing!
Ideas are given freely but relying on me without doing anythin ? that's just an assho*e
At least say something for me to make sure that ur still alive ... 
Saying is believing ... what bullshit is that ?
If you just believe on what a peson have to say ... ur just stupid
never use own sense to trust it onot ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

~ Numbers , numbers and more Numbers ~

Today, i saw the most numerical alphabets dancing around my exam sheet smile and giggling at me, its just normal for someone like me, but the main problem is that this scenario happens when i was having my financial examination!

I was flinched and stunned when i saw the paper! the most number of time i wrote the ' PV ' and ( 1 + i ) in my entire life! .. the formula is horrible, made the solution impossible where i will be in trouble when i show my result to my dad .. oh oo ..

Ever heard something bout differentiation in Additional maths? well, i am studying that topic in my General maths, the most advance level where u can differentiate it more than just mere one time ! it's driving me nuts !! [ d/dx ] please dun bully me anymore! i'm terrified !!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

~ Calculator v.s. Abacus ~

I got this funny stuff i thought of the other day, so i thought it might be interesting if i share it !!

If u are from a primary chinese school, i bet u know what is an abacus ...
if you don't then do use the dictionary!! haha3 ... just joking, it's suànpán

Well, for a banana like me, i study in a ' white ' school where everything is in english !

So, as a good student like myself, i use something call calculator !

This is the funny part! we do know that calculator is always faster than abacus right?
then why most of the chinese, ...  ' MOST ' of the chinese are better in maths compare to bananas ???

When i ask my dad about it, he say that chinese learn ' one ' in chinese as ' ee ' while ' two ' is ' er ' ...
Somehow i pity the brown people learning maths with ' satu ', ' dua ' and ' tiga ' ... Don't discriminate them!!

However, banana's maths is weaker ... why? because it too convenient! We never really understand the value of 1!
While we are learning 10 + 10 in formula, they are using abacus '' tak .. tak .. tak .. done !! ''
Then the calculator appears! we '' click click click '' v.s. '' tak tak tak '' ...
BUT, onces u reach high school ! You will notice the differences !! I'm not lying!!

Somehow the chinese are better in maths compare to banana AND 100% better than the brown people, so as the black people! Do u know that black people learn maths by raping? that's why their rap have good bits in the right timing!!
To differentiate a banana and a chinese is just simple, check out the speed of him/her wit a calculator!!

Note, if your chinese but your weak in both of them doesn't mean ur white nor black and certainly not a banana!, you are as dumb as a coconut!

Signed out by, Sam Wang

~ A Life as a Chinese People ~

Ever ask yourself that why are you born with a different tone color? Well, i am born with a brighter tone color, i'm born peach! Be grateful, u do know that you're not alone! China is full of chinese people, only few of them are darker in color, on the West are full of white people, that, i dun give a shit about.

According to history, Japanese are chinese people, so most of their language are on the chinese vocabulary book! dedicated by ... ME !! [ then that's official ]

Living as a chinese in my country is a big problem!!
because there are full of different parties here fighting for their own right!! Clear to see that all chinese people are discriminating the other races in the country i'm living in !!
As for the brown people ' indian ' are kicking back hanging their leg, watching the show of the chinese v.s the darker brown people !! ...

It's funny that no one dare to stood up and declare its over because .... you will get shoot down to your knees if you do!
there's too a new law that you'll get spank on the ass if you dare to talk about it, if you're not one of the government !
'' A rotan on the ass ''

What the F*ck .. are you serious?
We do have to realized that we live in a multi culture society!
Just like [ A Rojak] know? one of our country's delicacies !
There are brown crackers, white ... err something, and black sauce ! ... if some other stuff join in ! you'll be like ...
'' What the F*ck '' is this yellow stuff doing here? you ruined the taste !!

So people of my country, help me and help you,
Accept all the good starts, a happy ending and alot of bullshit right at the middle!!
Signing out from Sam Wang ....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

~ Racist ~

Yea, when you look at the topic you can say i'm talking bout it, isit just me or is something wrong in this country.
When i was window shopping today, i saw a black people talking to a white people, they are chatting and all of a sudden i saw another white people fighting with another black people just by the corner .... what is wrong !!

It's just normal that less white people like to fight with their own race coz white people always say that they are right and other is wrong. As for the black people, they like to judge on the white people, that's what made the white people annoyed!

So lets do a little maths here '' conversation + sensitive topic x judgmental = no friends after the fight '' its just that simple.

You do know as a white people, we must accept what the black people say, if they say '' no '' then please dont say '' yes ''

When we white people are being like this, people are starting to say that we are racist !!

That's why we must be 1 big happy family you know? like a banana split ! with bananas + black cream + white cream !!
BTW banana is for someone like me '' yellow on the outside, white on the inside !! '' so lala Zai , damm !!

Of course white can never be black ! why ? ... to be black you need to learn how to rap and play basketball !! for a white, YOU CAN NEVER RAP LIKE A BLACK PEOPLE!!!
as for the black to white? you just have to stop eating beef !!

Oh yea i forgot about another thing, is another color in our country! ... i'm not saying much because onces i said it, i will have red and blue flashing light on my doorstep tasing my dog, i hope you know what color i'm talking about !!
Im not a racist coz i hate all races equally you know? just to be fair !!

Monday, November 8, 2010

~ Life ~

Life is hard, so as those people felt around me.
Unless your born rich, then the statement before will no apply!
I learn a lot of things everyday and experience the way of life,
pretending to have fun with a plastic smile on my cheek.

Predict the unexpected while grinding on happiness,
is my self encouragement that enrich me the knowledge i am able to grasp my hand on.

But, life like i know now is not as perfect as i know it would be,
living in a happy life enjoying the surroundings is just prove that oneself being childish.

As i began to realize it, it's provoking my self conscious!
I felt it as my life is better off if i end up in a comma.
Now, carrying my mother's hope and my father's desire to complete the missing puzzle pieces that's been lost 6 years ago

 and finally be what i want to be, which is myself.

Friday, November 5, 2010

~ People Irritates in Facebook ~


Seriously, when i go through facebook ... i saw alot of crappy stuffs, when people comment .... criticisms happens, while the recipient begin to start cursing bad words on that one comment ~ seriously, why the hell did you giv a shit about when you dun giv a damm about that guy/bitch? Dun have to waste your time on correcting his/her comment so that the commentator follows how ya think! ... just ignore it! before the second stage arise!

Furthermore!! ~~>

The advance stage i'm taking about is ' bullshiting ' ... when this matter arise! it's gonna be awkward! Why you ask? because there will be comment which have a tons bunch of lies! ... that guy will bullshiting alot of crap out of no where ... (a.k.a. being childish)

The '' L's '' Way !!! ~~>

Then, there is the ' pre-mature stage ' ... this is one of the stage i hate the most! because one of your commenter will call u childish or ' little boy ' disparaging his previous comment is as just as childish! That's just being stupid! The most awkward situation was, he/she deleted his/her previous post be4 saying so ... LAME

The S2Pid ACTION TAKEN !! ~~>

Finally, the back stabbing stage (a.k.a. last stage) most of ya don't know this but once a bullshitter ends a comment conversation and found out that his/her lost it, they will immediately delete you from their friendlist ... so what?,  remember the comments you left in his post? ... yea! ... you cant write anything ANYMORE ! there will be a fucking loser joinin that post chat and spam with the bullshitter ! when this happens~ you will not be able to do anything besides cursing the 2 idiot there! .. U have LOST THE MATCH ! " Good Game ''

I experienced the info above ... who is the one that i had experienced with? how to say this ... MY EX- GIRLFRIEND !! THAT'S WHO !!