Monday, November 15, 2010

~ Chinese guys are hot tempered ! ~

i onces ask myself about this question and i confirm it to be true today !!
Boy really hates annoying bitches !!...
Now i question myself on this '' why do bitches always have to be bitches? ''
Its so freaking annoying you know .. everywhere i go, or what i do... SHE'S THERE !!
The worst part is when she's being a bitch !! .. guys can never win an argument
Its so freaking annoying !!
When a bitch being a bitch ... there's no way to win
She will always be right ... 
Guys, better run away bah .. escape ! let them self destruct

Suan ... i know myself better than anyone else .. 
I'm good in provoking and charming
Its just obvious once a person hears me out .. they like it just to be
They just got high hopes for me ... WTF ? i dun wan to be that something, i wan to be a nothing!
Ideas are given freely but relying on me without doing anythin ? that's just an assho*e
At least say something for me to make sure that ur still alive ... 
Saying is believing ... what bullshit is that ?
If you just believe on what a peson have to say ... ur just stupid
never use own sense to trust it onot ...

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