Tuesday, November 9, 2010

~ Racist ~

Yea, when you look at the topic you can say i'm talking bout it, isit just me or is something wrong in this country.
When i was window shopping today, i saw a black people talking to a white people, they are chatting and all of a sudden i saw another white people fighting with another black people just by the corner .... what is wrong !!

It's just normal that less white people like to fight with their own race coz white people always say that they are right and other is wrong. As for the black people, they like to judge on the white people, that's what made the white people annoyed!

So lets do a little maths here '' conversation + sensitive topic x judgmental = no friends after the fight '' its just that simple.

You do know as a white people, we must accept what the black people say, if they say '' no '' then please dont say '' yes ''

When we white people are being like this, people are starting to say that we are racist !!

That's why we must be 1 big happy family you know? like a banana split ! with bananas + black cream + white cream !!
BTW banana is for someone like me '' yellow on the outside, white on the inside !! '' so lala Zai , damm !!

Of course white can never be black ! why ? ... to be black you need to learn how to rap and play basketball !! for a white, YOU CAN NEVER RAP LIKE A BLACK PEOPLE!!!
as for the black to white? you just have to stop eating beef !!

Oh yea i forgot about another thing, is another color in our country! ... i'm not saying much because onces i said it, i will have red and blue flashing light on my doorstep tasing my dog, i hope you know what color i'm talking about !!
Im not a racist coz i hate all races equally you know? just to be fair !!

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