Wednesday, November 10, 2010

~ Calculator v.s. Abacus ~

I got this funny stuff i thought of the other day, so i thought it might be interesting if i share it !!

If u are from a primary chinese school, i bet u know what is an abacus ...
if you don't then do use the dictionary!! haha3 ... just joking, it's suànpán

Well, for a banana like me, i study in a ' white ' school where everything is in english !

So, as a good student like myself, i use something call calculator !

This is the funny part! we do know that calculator is always faster than abacus right?
then why most of the chinese, ...  ' MOST ' of the chinese are better in maths compare to bananas ???

When i ask my dad about it, he say that chinese learn ' one ' in chinese as ' ee ' while ' two ' is ' er ' ...
Somehow i pity the brown people learning maths with ' satu ', ' dua ' and ' tiga ' ... Don't discriminate them!!

However, banana's maths is weaker ... why? because it too convenient! We never really understand the value of 1!
While we are learning 10 + 10 in formula, they are using abacus '' tak .. tak .. tak .. done !! ''
Then the calculator appears! we '' click click click '' v.s. '' tak tak tak '' ...
BUT, onces u reach high school ! You will notice the differences !! I'm not lying!!

Somehow the chinese are better in maths compare to banana AND 100% better than the brown people, so as the black people! Do u know that black people learn maths by raping? that's why their rap have good bits in the right timing!!
To differentiate a banana and a chinese is just simple, check out the speed of him/her wit a calculator!!

Note, if your chinese but your weak in both of them doesn't mean ur white nor black and certainly not a banana!, you are as dumb as a coconut!

Signed out by, Sam Wang

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