Monday, November 22, 2010

~ Point of View ~

[ Sarcastic ]

I'm focusing on this issue today ..
Its a topic of great importance ...

If you understand this then, your live will not be filled with 
sarcastism and discriminations ..
How can it be done you ask ? .. it's quite simple

You see this,
people usually talks about how great they understand related to that topic
BUT, for a person like yourself,
understand it in your own specific way is different ...
[ That's what make us special ]

So, why do you bother to explain to ' that ' person on how you think ?
Since he have his own way of understanding it ...

[ Sarcasm as a gift ]

It's so true, being someone with different thought means,
 you have a different characteristic
Therefore, its just natural that you think this way
Is a gift from our creator !

If you do continue with the argument ...
There are no benefits gain for the both of you,
You will too look like an idiot
 to the other people who is listen to your argument
So, you think is good to argue ? I don't think so ...

Most of the people out there, win is everything ...
what we think of it is that those person are proud of themselves ...
[ for me, they are just bunch of ignorant childish brats ]
See, my own personal point of view ... what do you think bout me ?

Don't answer that question '' its a Rhetorical question !! ''

The main thing i wanna say is '' Trust and have faith on yourself ''
That's what made us human different !!

[ Is just tha matter of fact on how you think ]
Opportunity comes in every corner

If there's an opposite gender thinking same as you .. ' that ' person is certainly ...
Love is a special thing !!

Sam signing out bitches !!

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