Friday, November 5, 2010

~ People Irritates in Facebook ~


Seriously, when i go through facebook ... i saw alot of crappy stuffs, when people comment .... criticisms happens, while the recipient begin to start cursing bad words on that one comment ~ seriously, why the hell did you giv a shit about when you dun giv a damm about that guy/bitch? Dun have to waste your time on correcting his/her comment so that the commentator follows how ya think! ... just ignore it! before the second stage arise!

Furthermore!! ~~>

The advance stage i'm taking about is ' bullshiting ' ... when this matter arise! it's gonna be awkward! Why you ask? because there will be comment which have a tons bunch of lies! ... that guy will bullshiting alot of crap out of no where ... (a.k.a. being childish)

The '' L's '' Way !!! ~~>

Then, there is the ' pre-mature stage ' ... this is one of the stage i hate the most! because one of your commenter will call u childish or ' little boy ' disparaging his previous comment is as just as childish! That's just being stupid! The most awkward situation was, he/she deleted his/her previous post be4 saying so ... LAME

The S2Pid ACTION TAKEN !! ~~>

Finally, the back stabbing stage (a.k.a. last stage) most of ya don't know this but once a bullshitter ends a comment conversation and found out that his/her lost it, they will immediately delete you from their friendlist ... so what?,  remember the comments you left in his post? ... yea! ... you cant write anything ANYMORE ! there will be a fucking loser joinin that post chat and spam with the bullshitter ! when this happens~ you will not be able to do anything besides cursing the 2 idiot there! .. U have LOST THE MATCH ! " Good Game ''

I experienced the info above ... who is the one that i had experienced with? how to say this ... MY EX- GIRLFRIEND !! THAT'S WHO !!

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