Saturday, November 20, 2010

~ Awkward Situation~

Well, you can obviously see what i wrote in the main topic ..
It got me thinking ya know, being awkward is just ....
how does it feel?

I'm shopping the other day and this 'thing' happen ...
We were havin a nice conversation until an unknown person sat next to us
He did not say anything, just sat there with a burger in his hand
We continue to chat until ....
That blady guy fart out loud ... awkward
We went completely silent, and started to stare at him
He completely ignore us ...
Then my friend stood up, stand beside him and said
' Do you have any manners? '
I was shock at the beginning,
Totally never expected to see that comming
That guy complete , i mean completely ignore my friend
Then, i stood up and call her back ..

My friend just look at him, 
That poor guy, he didn't know what's hitting him
Then, that guy stood up and gave my friend a smile ... awkward
We just stare at that guy ..
When he turn his back on us, my friend got angry
' She said something that shouldn't be said '
Still nothing happen ...awkward
Everyone just look at her, she was really angry ... i sense her rage

Then, that guy leave without paying,
the alarm set off
The employees working there chase after him
He totally ignore that chaos situation .. we thought he was OKU
Guess what? at the very last moment we notice that

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