Thursday, November 11, 2010

~ Numbers , numbers and more Numbers ~

Today, i saw the most numerical alphabets dancing around my exam sheet smile and giggling at me, its just normal for someone like me, but the main problem is that this scenario happens when i was having my financial examination!

I was flinched and stunned when i saw the paper! the most number of time i wrote the ' PV ' and ( 1 + i ) in my entire life! .. the formula is horrible, made the solution impossible where i will be in trouble when i show my result to my dad .. oh oo ..

Ever heard something bout differentiation in Additional maths? well, i am studying that topic in my General maths, the most advance level where u can differentiate it more than just mere one time ! it's driving me nuts !! [ d/dx ] please dun bully me anymore! i'm terrified !!

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