Saturday, November 20, 2010

~ Cantonese is a STRONG language ~

Do you know that cantonese is such a strong language?
Im here hereby declare that it is !
When Sam say it, its official !!

Alright , back to business ...
Learning cantonese is an easy task to do ...
But applying it, its challenging ...
Living as a chinese with asian blood runnin in my vein is not easy!
Likewise chatting in cantonese and mandrin ? its hard !

See, when you chat cantonese in skool, its not wrong ...
But in front of a lecturer .. its wrong [ What tha F*ck ]
Especially those strict ones ...
Those 'predators' use their glare at you,
its so scary that you might piss in your pants
what can you do?

learn from me ... say something like

[ '' Lei - ko - sei - po - kai , mong - mat - chat'' ] ..
there you go .... nailed it !~
The proper translation will be
'' you blady bastard , what you looking at ''
Be sure to say it in an angry tone
and point at them with your finger
'' you can show the [f*ck] sign, i dun mind !!
[ or this will not work ] .... =P

Next is the phrase
[ '' Deng - lei - ko - fai ''] ..
This i really recommend you to use it because ...
it works on EVERYTHING!!
When u are pissed, when u cant answer ur exam question, or anything !
I dun think you need the translation for this ...
do try it with a chinese friend
You will know what the phrase mean ^^ ..
and agree that ' its very very useful '

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